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The Key To Overcoming Failure: Get Back Up & Try Again!

How many dreams and goals have you evaded because you were afraid of failing? How many times have you looked back on your life, looked upon the mistakes that you have made, and beat yourself up over them? So many people allow dread of making mistakes to hold them back!

If you fail at something it touches you in a deep emotional way. While it feels detrimental at the time, it teaches you imperative lessons. You learn what does not work, and that which might truly bring you closer to success. Because it is so disturbing to fail, if you have the courage to get back up and try again you will try harder the next time. Hope is that which makes us live today as if tomorrow were yesterday.

Even if you try and fail, you will never be the same person you were before you started the project. “The father of success is work – the mother of achievement is ambition.”  You have forced yourself to a new level, moved away from your comfort zone, and are much more sensible for having tried the task. If you constantly avoid pursuing goals and ambitions because you are scared of making mistakes you will never realize what you can accomplish. Trying and failing is better than never having tried at all.

Success is not measured by the position that one has achieved, but by the obstacles which you had to overcome. After experiencing failure you might feel hurt, broken, and/or disappointed. However something astonishing happens once the original sting wears thin; you truly become stronger in mind and spirit! With each effort you put forth, you grow stronger in character and better your odds of achieving success. Success consists of getting up just one more time after you have failed.

If you put your efforts into trying something and you fall short you build bravery to try again. It is the fear of the unknown that truly holds people back, however when you have taken the risk and lost, it won’t feel as chilling the next time you try. Courage doesn’t come from winning, however from the quest of goals-whether you win or not.

You don’t have to lie awake at night to succeed – just stay awake during the day and be willing to do what’s necessary.

Get Connected Here ===> — with Hasheem Francis  & Deborah Francis


Built To Prosper Women of Wealth Journal

“Do not be concerned with racing to goals and dreams. Be concerned with making progress on goals and dreams.” #BuiltToProsperWOWJ … Get YOUR copy today:

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Visionaries See Beyond The Circumstances

“Visionaries see beyond the circumstances or winds of the moment. Visionaries expect challenges along the way. Visionaries keep their eye on the prize and not the price.” #BuiltToProsper … Get YOUR copy today:

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How to Accomplish More in Less Time

As the saying goes, “time is money”, and in fact, oftentimes, time is actually more important than money. You can certainly make use of time intelligently to make back money you’ve lost, but even if you have the wealth of Bill Gates, a second lost is a second lost. There is simply no way you can buy back lost time.

This brings us to the topic of the importance of knowing how to create more time out of thin air. Don’t we all wish to do that? Haven’t you always caught yourself thinking, “If only I had just one more hour every day to do what I want to do?”

Well, creating money out of thin air is actually not as difficult as it seems, and all it requires is a reorganization of your thoughts and the way you handle and plan out your daily activities.

First and foremost, you need a “Get It Done” list. You need to have at your fingertips, the exact knowledge of what you need to have accomplished for the day, and to establish your priorities. You can’t get to a destination without knowing where you are going!

Secondly, you need to get into the habit of splitting your time into manageable blocks that you can handle. The size of your time blocks would depend on the nature of your activities. You would split them into fifteen minutes, half an hour, or one hour blocks depending on your needs. Tie this in with your “Get It Done” list, and allocate chunks of your time to each activity to your “Get It Done” list.

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, take action and start today! There are only these three simple steps you need to take in order to create more time out of thin air. Do not see this as being too simplistic, because this truly works.

Simply try it out for a day, and I am sure you will gain so much insight into where all your time goes that you will get addicted to it. As time goes by, you will be able to more expertly decide on the size of your time blocks, allocate aptly the kind of activities to these blocks, and to prioritize with great precision exactly what activities are most important to you, effectively adding on hours to your day.

So go ahead, implement the plan, and start creating more time out of thin air!

7 Effective Ways to Motivate Your Team

Team motivation is an art. If it doesn’t come natural to you, try these seven tips.

1. Involve them. Many team members want to be involved in the on-going development and progress of their company. Plus, they often have insightful ideas that can make a significant difference in the company.

2. Communicate. A frequent axiom in business is, “No news is good news.” However, team members want regular updates on the progress of the business and their personal performance. Use memos, email, telephone, and one-on-one and group meetings to keep your team apprised of changes, updates, new products, etc.

3. Celebrate individual and team performance. Catch people doing something right and focus on recognizing excellent performance. Provide positive reinforcement, issue awards, use a corporate newsletter to highlight specific achievements. Send thank-you cards and congratulatory notes, make phone calls, and send emails.

4. Set challenging goals. My experience has taught me that people strive to achieve what is expected of them. If you set challenging goals your team will work hard to accomplish them, providing of course, they are realistically attainable.

5. Give them the tools to succeed. No team will stay motivated if they do not have the necessary tools required to do their job. This includes; equipment, internal support, inventory, marketing materials, training, etc.

6. Manage poor performance. Your team expects you to manage individuals who do not perform to standard. However, many business owners ignore these situations because they are afraid to deal with them, hoping instead that the situation will resolve itself. It never does and this “blind” approach affects profitability, causes higher turnover, and generates low morale.

7. Believe in your people! The majority of people want to do well – very few individuals approach a job with the intent of screwing up. Yet, many business owners run their business thinking that team members must be treated with a “watchdog” mentality. They install hidden cameras, monitor email, and set up procedures that require team members to get multiple approval signatures for decisions. If you want to grow your company believe in the people you lead. Give them the opportunity to grow.

Built To Prosper Lifestyle

Standing Out In The Midst Of Many

Who Is A Leader?

A leader is defined as an individual who influences a group of people to act in a certain way in order to attain a certain goal. In this case, leadership is the process by which an individual enlists the support and aid of other people in an effort to accomplish a common goal or purpose. It is the creation of infrastructure for individuals to make contributions towards the attainment of a predetermined goal.

Of course there is leadership that can be defined as effective and ineffective. At this particular juncture, effective leadership would be our main concern as being in a position to influence legions of people is only desirable when it is for the right course.

Effective leadership incorporates the capacity to integrate as well as optimize successfully the use of the resources that are at your disposal whether in the internal or external environment in an effort to attain societal or organizational goals.

There are many theories that abide to the aspects of leadership. It is important to acknowledge that leadership does not always have to incorporate formal authority. However, there are the unique powers that an individual must possess in order to be in a position to influence their followers or peers or even be able to control the available resources.

It is important that a leader deemed to be successful incorporate effective use of these powers in order to influence their subordinates or followers. The leaders would have to understand what the utility of power is in order to enhance the strength of their leadership.

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There are various forms of powers including:-

  • Coercive power- This is power that an individual derives from their ability to offer punishment to their followers. In most cases, these powers are held by leaders in organizations in which case, they can always suspend their followers, employees or subordinates.

One thing that you can be sure of is that, as much as this power guarantees one a good following; it does not always come with love or respect. In most cases, the subordinates follow the individual not on their own will, volition or incentive but out of fear of reprisal. Many are the times that individuals are loathed when they apply this type of power to their subordinates. However, that does not undermine its utility in ensuring that the goal of an organization is attained or a quality job is done.

  • Legitimate power- This type of power is also common within organizational structures only. In this case, an individual will only have as much power as their position in the organization, group or team allows them to. This points at the element of hierarchy in the organization as the higher the position of an individual the more the power they have.

Working together in finding solutions

  • Reward power- Also most common in formal organizations or institutions, the power is held by a leader who has the ability to give rewards to individuals under them. In this case, they will be in a position to influence the actions of their subordinates simply because of the carrot they are floating. In most cases, these rewards are awarded to the subordinates who have performed well and could be in the form of promotions or a raise in their pay.

This has the effect of rallying the people around the same goal or purpose though in cases where the reward system is for individuals, you may have individuals pulling in different directions in an effort to outwit each other. As much as it would still get the job done, sometimes it creates conflicts when the reward infrastructure is not deemed to be fair. In this case, it could have the effect of dividing the group instead of uniting them in cases where favoritism is incorporated.

  • Charismatic power- This power can be held by individuals in both formal and informal organizations. In this case, the ability of the leader to appeal to the feelings of their followers guarantees them instant loyalty love and even an element of fanaticism.

The leader is in a position to positively influence the followers through their charisma mainly in their speeches. The followers are able to identify with the leader creating an element of interpersonal influence. This can actually be one of the most effective powers in getting the job done. The ability of the leader to tag to the feelings of the followers confers on them a great deal of power.

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  • Expert power- This could also be in either informal or formal organizations. In this case, the individual holds a semblance of power due to their expertise, abilities, skills, experience, knowledge or abilities. A manager therefore has to be holding some expertise that other people do not have in order to remain relevant as a leader. This leader is always a valuable asset to the organization or society in which they apply their skills and expertise.
  • Information power- This is not very different from expert power. However, the leader in this case is in possession of valuable information which would enhance the functioning of the organization or the attainment of the societal goals. One thing that you will note is that this power does not come with hierarchy as individuals in lower echelons of hierarchy could be holding more information power. This does not many it less power. In fact it is recognized as one of the most genuine forms of power as it derives its viability from knowledge.
  • Referent power- This form of power is derived from an individual’s association with another. In this case, you will have individuals going by the terms like deputy or assistant. It is not always a very dependable form of power especially as far as influencing people towards a common goal is concerned.


The 9 Power Principles

One thing that separates the achievers from the non-achievers is the opinion they have of themselves. So, if you have the urge to build the success that you desire, you will need to evaluate yourself and apply the power principles. This will pave the way to building belief in yourself and better your chances of achieving the success that you desire.

Here are the 9 power principles that will lead to success, good health and joyful relationships.

Belief: Whose I Am What I Think I Am

Most of what we get in life is the consequence of our beliefs. You’re virtually — what you think you are. But do you believe correctly? Look around you. Often, much of what we see was created by your beliefs. If what you see, is not what you like, be willing to let go of the mental patterns of beliefs and the behaviors that have resulted in your living a life that is less than what you have always desired. You must look in the mirror when you ask who is responsible for your triumph or let down. Before we can begin to create a vision for what it is we want to do in life, we first must have the belief that we have the capability to achieve whatever it is we desire. Without this belief, we would never even attempt to do anything about our dreams. From the song of Otis Redding, “We’ll be sitting on the dock of the bay, watching the tides roll away, wasting time.” Before accepting something as a belief, it is always wise to ask; Why? And how the this belief serves me?

Self-Respect: To Thy Own Self Be True 

At times, we can be our own worst enemy. We’re not cognizant of the power, the intelligence and the “awareness” that is within us. Our biggest challenges — whether they’re financial, relationship or health challenges — may be addressed in a more beneficial way. Learn to free yourself of the detrimental self-worth. This is the prime reason why most individuals are kept from achieving their aspirations and dreams. As long as you are persistent in your pursuit of your vision, you will continue to grow. You cannot choose the day or time when the vision will come to pass, have faith and believe it will happen on its own time.

Inspiration: Be Empowered

Daily inspiration is food for the soul. When we make it a habit to read books that inspire us or recite positive affirmations we certainly feel regenerated, restored and re-energized and our spirits get recharged as inspiration becomes a part of our everyday life. Inspiration is the one accelerator that will guide us through the forest of disputes into the sunlight of success.

The Present: Right NOW Is The Only Thing That Matters 

The most potent time frame is today. Your purpose is in the present, not in regretting the past or being anxious about the future. Your strongest power is in the present day. Regardless how dark your past or how unsure your future may appear, determine how to utilize the correct power of the present to redefine the past and to make the future better.

Choices: Decide or Be Conformed

You always have choices. It’s been said that one of our most important jobs as a leader is to make wise choices. This isn’t possible unless you begin trusting in yourself and see yourself as an winner that is capable of attaining great heights that you are destined to reach. The decisions we make dictates the results and reality we see and the challenges we’ll bump into.

Change: Ride The Wave of Change

Somebody once stated, “If you keep doing what you’ve been doing, you’ll keep getting what you’ve got.” The only lasting affair in life is change, as without change there’s no growth. If you are not riding the waves of change, you’ll find yourself beneath it. Discover how to grow, develop and create your own winning future.

Giving and Receiving: Spread The Wealth

How do you add value to the lives of others? What contribution have you made to society? Are you suitable to receive? There’s a well know passage that states “As you give, so shall you receive.”

Action: Timing is Everything

There are occasions when the finest action is no action at all. At other times, despite what you do, the outcome will be equivalent. Leaders understand “When to hold, when to fold, when to walk off and when it’s time to get out.” Timing is everything. You can lead with the right activity at the wrong time. And you can lead with the wrong activity at the right time. It’s about being patient and smart.

Associations: Your Circle of Trust

You, literally, are who you consort with. Create relationships with people who will hold you accountable and encourage you on the path to your goals. Find ways to spend more time with people who love to help and build others to their full potential. Only share your vision with people who will support you, not those who will respond with cynicism or indifference.

Hasheem Francis & Deborah Francis are the Co-founders of Built To Prosper Companies This powerful couple has authored over 14 best selling books such as Built To Prosper, The Joy of Healthy Living, Cashology, and Undeniable Confidence. They have also built numerous successful businesses.



The Built To Prosper Creed

“Everyday tell yourself that you were born into this world with a purpose. You are Built To Prosper. Believe in yourself. Faith and belief are wings flapping en route to your God given destiny.” The Built To Prosper Way!

The Built To Prosper Branding Formula: The 4 Habits Deadly To Your Brand

4 habits deadly to your personal brand

Everyone has their own personal brand these days. Personal brand is synonymous with your own reputation. There are many ways you can strengthen your personal brand. However, what took so long to build can be destroyed in a matter of seconds with a few bad habits. So study closely the 4 habits deadly to your personal brand!


Don’t put off what you have to do today for tomorrow. Your brand is not going to create itself. You already know what your niche is and you already have a plan. All you need now is to put your plan into action. Remember, you are in charge of your own personal brand. If you don’t build it, who will?


You need to define your brand. Your brand also has to be consistent. For example, McDonalds taste the same in every country. That is consistency. Consumers expect that your brand is consistent. If it is different, your personal brand will drop and it will hurt the image that you are trying to put forth with your own personal brand.

 Bad time management

You need to know how to manage your time properly. If you cannot keep track of your own work and time, why would clients trust you with their money? Part of your own personal branding is to deliver the goods on time and in a consistent manner! There is no point having really good products but at the same time being unreliable. Clients take reliability into account when choosing your brand.

You need to constantly keep on moving. Your ideas need to be fresh. If you just stick to the same old concept all the time, someone is bound to take your idea and add an extra zing to it. So keep those fresh ideas coming. You don’t want your personal brand to stay on a plateau phase all the time! You want it to keep growing and growing!

Most importantly, what you can take home from this article is, that you are in charge of your own personal brand. If you don’t work on it, nobody will!

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The Fastest Growing Magazine

I would like to personally thank EVERYONE who have helped Built To Prosper Magazine become one of the fastest growing magazine’s for entrepreneurs and leaders! I am truly grateful for all the support. Thank You, Thank You!

Built To Prosper Magazine