Deborah Francis

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Monthly Archives: June 2014

The Key To Overcoming Failure: Get Back Up & Try Again!

How many dreams and goals have you evaded because you were afraid of failing? How many times have you looked back on your life, looked upon the mistakes that you have made, and beat yourself up over them? So many people allow dread of making mistakes to hold them back!

If you fail at something it touches you in a deep emotional way. While it feels detrimental at the time, it teaches you imperative lessons. You learn what does not work, and that which might truly bring you closer to success. Because it is so disturbing to fail, if you have the courage to get back up and try again you will try harder the next time. Hope is that which makes us live today as if tomorrow were yesterday.

Even if you try and fail, you will never be the same person you were before you started the project. “The father of success is work – the mother of achievement is ambition.”  You have forced yourself to a new level, moved away from your comfort zone, and are much more sensible for having tried the task. If you constantly avoid pursuing goals and ambitions because you are scared of making mistakes you will never realize what you can accomplish. Trying and failing is better than never having tried at all.

Success is not measured by the position that one has achieved, but by the obstacles which you had to overcome. After experiencing failure you might feel hurt, broken, and/or disappointed. However something astonishing happens once the original sting wears thin; you truly become stronger in mind and spirit! With each effort you put forth, you grow stronger in character and better your odds of achieving success. Success consists of getting up just one more time after you have failed.

If you put your efforts into trying something and you fall short you build bravery to try again. It is the fear of the unknown that truly holds people back, however when you have taken the risk and lost, it won’t feel as chilling the next time you try. Courage doesn’t come from winning, however from the quest of goals-whether you win or not.

You don’t have to lie awake at night to succeed – just stay awake during the day and be willing to do what’s necessary.

Get Connected Here ===> — with Hasheem Francis  & Deborah Francis


5 Ways To Develop A “Get It Done” Attitude!

1. Take consistent little action steps:

The steps to bringing discipline to one’s business are similar to growing up in life; both require consistent small steps. One cannot achieve success in being disciplined over night. Many people try using overnight methods and fail miserably and out of frustration return back to their undisciplined life. It takes time to develop discipline and one needs to be determined. You could begin with the smallest thing possible like exercising for 15 minutes everyday or getting up 30 minutes prior to the time you do now. It could be reducing the number of cups of coffee you drink in a day, even if it is reducing the number by one every week. The basic rule is to take smaller steps and try reaching your goal.

2. Do not procrastinate:

It is a good idea to place things on a “get it done” list and then decide on taking action on achieving these items immediately. Try to set a deadline and promise yourself to stick to the plan of action until you achieve your goal. Avoid procrastination; it makes the path to developing a “get it done” attitude take longer. Once you are successful with little goals, it strengthens inner resolve; helps set more goals and helps in achieving them.

3. Every day changes:

It is a good idea to start with a smaller goal to move toward discipline. It can be as small as waking up at 5am to do your personal growth study or waking up 30 minutes earlier than usual to perform some exercise. Every day must be taken into account; if a day is skipped the discipline level falls and it will weaken your determination to achieve the goals you have set.

4. Visualize your final achievement:

Take time and visualize how it would feel to achieve yours goals and remember it will only be possible if you take smaller daily action steps. If you know what it would take to achieve a particular goal make an outline and take action to immediately set out to achieve. The visualization process helps you to focus and maintain your goal even if you get distracted.

5. Get someone to mentor you:

If you could get someone to record your progress, it would definitely help. It could be a professional or a friend. Having a mentor has many positives; firstly, for example, you would be less likely to procrastinate when you have someone vested to hold you accountable.